About Me 🇨🇳 --> 🇺🇸 --> 🇨🇭 --> 🇨🇳
I grew up in Nanchang, a southern city in China. I have
studied in the United States for my bachelor's degree in
Neuroscience at the Ohio State University, and I did my
master's degree in Neural System and Computation at
University of
Zürich and ETH Zürich.
I am currently working on multiple projects on AI for
Healthcare. My research interests span biomedical image
analyzing, NLP for EHR mining, and time series predictions.
Btw, you can check out my past projects.
😼 Some fun parts about my life:
These are my cats '(Three) Thousand (Right)' and 'Pom(egranate)
(Left)' (together with their new little brother, 'Salted Fish'
On top of playing with my cats, I also enjoy
kickboxing, cooking & baking, and reading books (I actually
studied English Literature for a couple of years before
neuroscience). And I like learning languages. The IPA
pronunciation of my name is /ɕɪnˉ ɥœˋ jɑʊˊ/.
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However, you can take a moment to enjoy the beautiful sunset
at my old campus at Irchel, Zürich.
Sunset at Irchel Park, Zurich